Registration > Rates and datesPlease follow the below steps to complete your registration:
Conference registration Step 1: Register at the EDRC here. The prices are listed below. You can attend the Gala dinner for an extra cost of 50€.
Abstract submission Step 1: Create a SciencesCONF account here or log in to your account. This step is mandatory before proceeding to step 2. Step 2: Submit your abstract for an oral or poster presentation. Note that your abstract will be considered only if you have registered and that you don't necessarily need to submit your abstract at the time of registration. The deadline to apply for an oral presentation is May 26th, 2023. The deadline to apply for a poster presentation is September 8th, 2023. All abstracts must be submitted through the abstract submission page. Please follow the comprehensive abstract submission guidelines. IMPORTANT: Financial assistance is available for early-career researchers (Master or Ph.D. students). Students requesting this assistance should not register before the result announcement.
Important! Note that the deadline to submit an abstract for an oral presentation has been extended to May 26th 3pm (French time).
Please note that accompanying persons will be given an access badge to the Convention Center, however, they may not attend meetings or breaks; only registered participants are expected to attend conferences, workshops, and breaks. Accompanying persons are welcome to attend the Gala dinner if they have selected the option at the time of registration. For further information please check our: cancellation policies
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