Registration > Abstract guidelines

Abstract submission for oral presentations is now closed.


IMPORTANT: You must register and pay the appropriate registration fees before submitting your abstract.


Conference attendees are invited to submit an abstract for a Poster presentation via the online abstract submission form. 

During the process, you will have to upload your abstract. Please use the EDRC 2023 template.

Please choose the following option: 3. Poster presentation

Important note: there is no selection for posters. All submitted abstracts will be presented.

You will receive an official message with poster guidelines after the submission deadline.


Without exception, late submissions (poster only) will not be accepted after September 8th.


Authors will be notified of the decision for oral presentations by mid-July, 2023.    


There will be 2 poster sessions during the conference. Poster Session 1 on Saturday 21th and Poster Session 2 on Sunday 22nd.   

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