Registration > Financial assistance

Financial assistance is available for early-career researchers (Master or Ph.D. students) attending the conference on-site in Lyon and presenting a talk or a poster. A total of 20 students will benefit from this assistance, in the form of registration fee waivers (travel/accommodation expenses are NOT covered).

Each application will be judged based on three main criteria:

  • financial needs
  • geographic diversity
  • the excellence of the candidate and motivation

Applications should include (in a single pdf file):

  • an abstract of the work (see guidelines)
  • a 1-page motivation letter
  • advisor's letter of recommendation (including a justification for financial support requirements)

and be submitted to 

Please use the email subject “Financial assistance”.

The deadline for application is April 16th, 2023.

Results will be announced before May 15st, 2023. DO NOT register for the conference before the results are announced. 

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